Tag: Art

🎨 Te Tuhi Art Gallery🎨

kai ora blogers

On thursday week 8 me and my class went on a trip to Te Tuhi Art Gallery.

we each made one of these :

And you may be wondering how we made this well here is the instrctions

  1. paint a plasic sheet in black.
  2. whait 4 hrs and 30mins.
  3. then use a pencile and stencil to draw the first letter of your name.
  4. chose a colored pice of paper and put it under the black sheet.
  5. next use a nail ( NOT YOUR NAIL ) and rubb it back and forth on the pencil lines.
  6. finaly glue both pices toghter.
  7. now put it ajstit the window where light is comeing in and wach it glow.

here is mine:

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