Month: October 2023

📚 Novel ponder wk 4 📚

Kia ora Blogers,

so far our story has begun like this: so they all crashland in the amozon rainforest the lagest rain forest in the world, they find flint a den to stay in a sardenie can, they have created a wooden raft and have set down the river.

Here is my list of intresting words: quivering, axious, pertiefied, shaken, terfied and intersted.

What words can you make a book even more intresting?

Have you ever read the explorer before?

Blog you later

Freya 🧋🍁


novel ponder wk2

Kia ora blogers,

If I was starnded in the amzon rainforest I would bring the things below.

I would bring Water, Honey, a warm jactet, pocket knife, utecils kit and pack of cards.

What things would you use to survie in the amzon rainforest?

don’t forget about what you need.

Blog you later




Novel Ponder Wk1

Kia ora Blogers,

My class has started a new novel for this term called The Explorer.

I would go to The Lost City of Gold near Lake Guatavitá, near the Colombian city of Bogotá, beacause I would love to be one of the first few pepole to discover.

Where would you explore and why?

Blog you later
